Sizzling opening day at Walton Pool
On a day where temperatures exceeded 90 degrees and humidity was excessive, the John Jack Kelly Swimming Pool in Walton opened for the season on Monday, June 18.
As you would expect, a lot of people, mostly kids took full advantage of the chance to cool off on a sweltering afternoon. Both the little pool, designed for the very young and the regular pool had lots of activity on day one. The diving board, where the water beneath is 9 feet was a popular attraction throughout the day.
The pool will remain open this week, with free swim hours from 2-5 and adult swim hour, 5-6 evenings Monday through Friday. The pool will close Saturday and Sunday for graduation. Then opens again starting June 25th with free swim, hours 1-5 weekdays and 7-8 evenings. Adult swim hours remain 5-6 throughout the summer weekday evenings.
Enjoy the summer and hope to see you at the Walton Swimming Pool, located at the Townsend Street entrance of Austin Lincoln Park.
Ron Galley