What Good News Did You Find Easter Weekend?
Easter was so much different this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. I would get up early and hide the kid's Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny dropped off. It's like a treasure hunt where I write down "clever" clues for them and they must go from spot to spot till they find the treasure.

This year, I didn't have to get up early because the kids were sleeping in and there was no physical church location to go to. Easter dinner was different because the relatives didn't come over and the nieces and nephews didn't go searching for the 300 eggs hidden in my backyard.
This year, it was just my 3 kids and 50 plastic eggs scattered around. The upside for them was that all the eggs had a dollar in them. WHOA!! If I knew that I would have gathered some myself. Side note: Tara found an egg that was hidden from last year and it had a dime in it. Now I'm only missing one egg from 2019.
With so much downtime this Easter weekend, I learned something else. Don't watch the cable news, just check in on it. I stayed away from it almost all weekend and it's amazing how much better I felt inside.
It really helped me to change my focus and reset my priorities. It also made me wonder, why does the world with the worst news make the loudest noise? The good news needs to be louder...whatever that may be to you.
You can look in our own backyard and see the awesome news of the two patients released from the COVID unit at Lourdes Hospital to a cheering (social distanced) crowd
Here's my good news: I realized that there is so much that we can't control like health, work, even our circumstances. So what do I need to do? I need to release what I can't control and LIVE.
What's your good news?
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